Mina Kelly

This is the website of erotica author Mina Kelly. The following links lead to websites and material that are not suitable for under 18s. If you are under 18, please come back when you're older!


A selection of retold fairy tales from m/m writers. Bedtime stories for grown ups! When Barnabas rescues a stranger from a storm the sex is certainly tempestuous, but when the stranger's true nature is revealed will their budding relationship survive?
Tease - Loose Id, Aug 10. When Barnabas rescues a stranger from a storm the sex is certainly tempestuous, but when the stranger's true nature is revealed will their budding relationship survive? Also available from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, the Sony store, Fictionwise, and All Romance eBooks (reviews)

Swan Made in Bedknobs and Beanstalks, Ravenous Romance, Oct 09. Also available from Amazon.com, All Romance eBooks, and Fictionwise. A selection of retold fairy tales from m/m writers. Bedtime stories for grown ups! (reviews)

No One Can Hear You - Three Crow Press, Feb 10

Wolf-Spider - Three Crow Press, Feb 09

About Me

Mina Kelly is my penname for romance, erotica and erotic horror. You can find me on facebook under this name.